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Today my daughter pointed out the poinsettias decorating the lobby of her preschool and said they were beautiful so I told her we would make a poinsettia craft. While we made the craft she asked why poinsettias are out at Christmas and I had no idea! We looked up the answer together and found a wonderful story of a little girl that was too poor to bring a fancy gift to the celebration of Christmas. An angel told her to gather weeds from the side of the road and place them in the church. Red blossoms sprouted from the weeds and turned into poinsettias which beautifully decorated the church for the holiday. Learning this together made this very simple, paper Christmas craft that much more fun for both my daughter and myself.
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What You'll Need


Print our poinsettia leaf template and cut it out. Trace the template onto red and green construction paper. You will need 7 green leaves and 7 red.


Cut a 1-2" circle out of green scrap paper. This will just serve as a place to start the gluing process.


Glue your red petals onto the green circle so that they overlap slightly and go the whole way around it.


Once all the red petals are on, flip the craft over. Glue the green leaves on so that they stick out in between the red petals.


Flip the craft back over. Crumple some yellow construction paper or tissue paper into little balls. Glue these balls on the center of the flower.


Done! You have finished creating your very own Paper Poinsettia Craft.