The perfect craft for your little ones for the back to school time of year, this frame lets them be creative while sharing a memory of their first day back. This craft is appropriate for kids aged 4 and up, with younger kids needing help from an adult for the cutting.

What you'll need:

  • Large paper or foam plate
  • Red tissue paper cut into squares
  • Green construction paper for the leaves
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick
  • Black pen for personalization
  • Your favorite back to school photo
How to make your apple frame craft
  • Cut a bite out of your apple and a circle in the middle for the picture.
  • Glue the red tissue paper squares onto the plate, overlapping as you go to make a mosaic effect. Tuck edges into the hole for the photo and around the edges of the plate and glue into place on the back of the plate.
  • Cut out leaf shapes from the green construction paper. Glue them behind the plate so that they are sticking out of the top of your apple.
  • Glue or tape your photo to the back of the plate so that the image shows through.
  • Use the black pen to personalize your frame with your child's name, the year and ?first day' or ?first day of school' around the plate edge.
apple frame craft apple frame craft materials kids apple frame craft back to school frame craft